Home FastAI course 2022

FastAI course 2022

Just before going on a 3 month long exchange at Yale University, as part of the UCL-Yale Exchange programme, I decided to start 2022’s edition of the FastAI course.

I followed the course mostly in an asynchronous manner, and will finish it at some point in 2023 when I will update this blog post entry with some interesting results, highlights of what I learned and my overall impressions on it.


At the technical/deployment level, one of the things that surprised the most was the concept of using Jupyter Notebooks not only for exploration but also for building the backbone of packages, perform unit testing and build documentation. All of this can be done through nbdev

Desktop View From nbdev’s site

This philosophy really puts forward the idea of readability and openness at all levels, so I decided to apply it to a couple of upcoming projects. Stay tunned for that!

If you want to try it out yourself, check out their step-by-step guide here.

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